Why should I offer flu vaccinations to my employees?
Offering flu vaccinations to your employees can help reduce the spread of the flu in the workplace, leading to fewer sick days and increased productivity. It also demonstrates that you care about the health and well being of your employees.
Can the flu jab cause flu?
No. The vaccine does not contain any live viruses, so it cannot cause flu. You may get a slight temperature and aching muscles for a couple of days afterwards, and your arm may feel a bit sore where you had the injection. Other reactions are rare, and flu jabs have a good safety record.
What are the potential side effects of the flu vaccine?
Common side effects include soreness at the injection site, low-grade fever, and muscle aches. These side effects are typically mild and short-lived. Serious side effects are rare.
When am I most at risk from flu?
Flu circulates every winter. This means many people get ill around the same time. In a bad year, this can be an epidemic. However, it is impossible to predict how many cases of flu there will be each year.
When is the best time to get my flu jab?
The best time to have a flu vaccine is in the autumn, from September to December. But don't worry if you've missed this time, you can have the flu jab later in the winter although it's best to get it as early as possible.
Who should not have the flu vaccine?
Most adults can have the flu vaccine, but you should avoid it if you have had a serious allergic reaction to a flu vaccine in the past.
You may be at risk of an allergic reaction to the flu vaccine injection if you have an egg allergy. This is because some flu vaccines are manufactured using egg protein.
Ask your pharmacist for a low-egg or egg-free vaccine.
If you're ill with a high temperature, it's best to wait until you're better before having the flu vaccine.
How effective is the flu vaccine?
The flu vaccine gives the best protection against flu.
Flu vaccines help protect against the main types of flu viruses, although there's still a chance you might get flu.
If you do get flu after vaccination, it's likely to be milder and not last as long.
Having the flu vaccine will also stop you spreading flu to other people who may be more at risk of serious problems from flu.
It can take 10 to 14 days for the flu vaccine to work.
If I had the flu jab last year, do I need it again now?
Yes. The viruses that cause flu can change every year, which means the flu (and the vaccine) this winter may be different from last winter.
Allergic reactions to the flu vaccine
It's very rare for anyone to have a serious allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) to the flu vaccine. If this does happen, it usually happens within minutes.
Our pharmacists are trained to deal with allergic reactions and treat them immediately.